There exists both good and bad energy in the world. It manifests itself due to the complexity of our chakras. We can accidentally become a recipient or transmitter of negative energies. Being a better human is a daily effort, and it’s crucial to remember that our energies influence the environment around us, and vice versa.
Here are several telltale clues that bad energy is definitely circulating.
1. A family member’s chronic health problem that isn’t responding to treatment. There are occasions when we are unable to find a remedy to a family member’s illness.
2. Work or favorable prospects not closing in your favor or a stalemate just when the fruition process draws to a close.
3. Success appears to be a long way off, with the intended outcomes failing to materialize.
4. Feeling drowsy all the time, lacking focus or motivation to do anything despite a plethora of options.
5. A mental condition of oblivion.
6. Uneasy about staying or working in certain places.
7. Repetitive negative thoughts or suicidal ideation.
8. Family members’ erratic, illogical, or unpredictable behavior in response to a simple/straight trigger.
9. Disputes between family members or coworkers regularly.
10. Unusuаl аnd illоgiсаl оссurrenсes in the residenсe (whiсh соuld be resultаnt оf the existenсe оf сertаin negаtive suрernаturаl fоrсes оr sоme kind оf blасk mаgiс being deрlоyed).
Vaastu shastra enlists several solutions to doshas- let the experts at Starstell guide you through your Vaastu issues.
Negativity Presence
The presence of such negativity could be due to certain major Vaastu doshas (spatial and construction anomalies), such as severe Vaastu faults, particularly in the South to West area, or having the improper position for your idol/ prayer room in the South to West and/or in the Vaastu center.
Also, having your home dirty, crowded, and strewn with unneeded, damaged, or broken items/objects can serve as a breeding ground for negative and stagnant energies. However, the answers to eradicating such forces can be discovered in Vaastu Shastra, our ancient knowledge.
With these simple methods, we can eliminate negativity from our homes:
Keep Your House’s Entrance Clean!
1. This advice not only keeps negative energy at bay but also helps your guests make a positive first impression. Your home must be clean and neat not just on the inside but also on the outside. As a result, you must ensure that your hоme’s entrance is сleаned оn а regulаr bаsis.
2. Wipe doorknobs and windows with a solution made of water, lemon juice, salt, and white vinegar. After that, sprinkle sea salt around all openings and cover it with a doormat to keep negative energy out.
3. When mopping the floor, add a pinch of sea salt to the water (except on Thursdays). This cure aids in the destruction of negative energy in the home or workplace.
4. To ward off evil eyes, take a pinch of salt in your hand and move it three times over the affected person’s head (can be done for 2–3 days at a stretch). The salt should be removed from the premises.
5. Salt may be utilized for commercial purposes as well, and this salt treatment can be employed to boost sales by wrapping a piece of salt in a red cloth and hanging it in the store or office. This will keep evil eyes away from stores and companies. This will progressively increase revenues for both the office and the home, allowing poverty to be alleviated.
6. Bathroom and toilet negative energy can be eradicated with a simple Vaastu step — According to Vaastushastra, both glass and salt are Rahu influences. As a result, a cup of salt should be maintained in every bathroom in the house. This therapy aids in the removal of such Vaastu flaws.
7. A piece of rock salt on one corner of the bed can help if a romantic relationship is strained, or there is some form of quarrel or mental disorder. After a few months, it will help in the elimination of negative energy and replace this piece.
You might not be aware of Vaastu’s flaws post a space renovation, but you begin to feel some effects of it. This is the time to get an expert consultation from Starstell to get an accurate Vaastu for your home.
Burning Sage and Agarbattis.
1. The auspicious energies can be amplified by lighting Agarbatti (incense sticks) and Dhoop. The agarbattis and dhoops should be lit twice daily in every nook and cranny of the house to assist in minimizing negative energy and to help promote a healthy and energetic life.
2. Burning “sage or smudge sticks” and spreading the smoke in an anti-clockwise direction throughout the premises could assist in the removal of negative energies.
Colors and crystals are used.
1. Crystals such as amethysts, black tourmaline, and others can be utilized to remove negative energies.
2. Colors have always had an impact on the energies in a home, and Vaastu shastra implies that certain colors are particularly effective in attracting positive energies. Anti-color generates negative energy. Blue in the NW, N, and NE. Green in the east, orange in the southeast, red in the south, and red+ yellow in the southwest. Dark blue is the perfect color in the West.
The advantages of religious symbols, articles, and the use of prayers and chanting.
1. Religious artifacts, such as pyramid yantras, idols, or portraits of Gods, are placed to attract fortunate energies.
2. To be Vaastu compatible, the puja chamber should be in the northeast.
3. Religious and auspicious symbols, such as elephants, can be strategically positioned to boost and amplify the admission and flourishing of positive energies within the premises.
4. It is recommended that auspicious sounds such as bells, conches, and cymbals be emphasized. These aid in the removal of bad and sluggish energies from the premises.
5. Mantra recitation by oneself or through electronic devices is a very effective way of neutralizing bad energies.
6. Working with Yantra and Mantra under the supervision of specialists is another effective technique to clear negative energy from one’s environment.
7. Angel meditation, reiki, and other neo-spiritual techniques can aid in the removal of negative energies.
If there are photographs representing family feuds or any form of painting depicting moroseness or grief, negative energies will also develop rapidly. Without you knowing, artifacts such as the Taj Mahal or sculptures with demonic-looking faces can all increase negativity.
Broken glasses, mirrors, broken images or idols of Gods, and cactus plants are all examples of this. Starstell has several solutions to your Vaastu problems- you need to prioritize them soon!
Negative energies are easy to detect, and there are ways and procedures to eliminate them, some of which are simple and others which are more difficult. It is also possible that all scientific efforts to fix the problems will fail at times.
You can utilize the dowsing approach or have the premises assessed by experts in such instances. The therapies should always be carried out under the supervision of a professional!
Make a list of items that should not be kept in your home.
1. Objects that are broken
Broken glass chipped china, broken trays, and other such items are commonly stashed away, overlooked, and forgotten in many houses. The inhabitants, in such spaces, may experience melancholy, grief, and a sense of helplessness as a result of these artifacts. Check for cracks in your accessories, stains on your linens, and broken items that should either be mended or tossed right away.
2. Negative Works of Art
Images of a sobbing infant, a shipwreck, perplexing artwork, the fading sun, and other such images can create an atmosphere of grief and sorrow at home. Similarly, in the bedroom, photos of a waterfall, an ocean, rain, an aquarium, or a fountain might cause financial problems as well as emotional and mental problems. Because water is an unstable element, it produces an unsettling atmosphere at home.
3. Artificial or Dried Flowers
While nature is typically a cheerful, welcome feature in homes, wilted or withered flowers or plants can have the opposite effect on residents. These obstruct the passage of energy. Carnations should not be used indoors since they are considered unlucky. Outdoors, in the garden, or on the balcony, the same can be cultivated. Thorny plants are a no-no since they can cause interpersonal problems among the members.
4. Clothing that is torn
Worn-out clothes, ripped dresses, and patchwork quilts might cause problems in your relationship. Rummage through your cupboards once a month and get rid of anything that is faded or that you don’t use. At home, old garments stifle green energy.
5. Animals that have died
Taxidermy animals, tiger and panther skin, ivory, shells, snails, and antlers all contain sluggish energies that are continuously disrupted by the looming presence of death. Anything unnatural should not be kept at home, according to Vaastu. This is why Vaastu warns against keeping bonsais as well because they are stifled and unable to reach their full potential.
Having Vaastuflaws is not new to any construction/ renovation. The difference is, how you perceive it and wish to change it. Starstell can help you cut to the chase with accurate advice regarding Vaastu-friendly interiors.